Tuesday, January 1, 2008

101 in 1001

I've seen a few other people make these lists, and you can find out more about the inspiration at Day Zero. The list is basically filled with long and short term goals that I would like to accomplish in the next 2.75 years (prior to September 28, 2010). For me, this list is all over the place, and I love it!

Grey: in progress
Red: done

1. Graduate from TLC (05.24.2008)
2. Grow out my hair to shoulder length
3. Make a sign that says "I Won" and then get to hold it up at D's wedding
4. Move to Centralia
5. Buy a house
6. Have a baby
7. Get another tattoo
8. Go overseas at least twice
9. Finish my Costa Rica scrapbook
10. Start and finish my wedding scrapbook
11. Get my wedding album printed
12. Replace the picture in our wedding signature mat with a wedding picture
13. Get an awesome blog (more color, more of "me")
14. Unpack all of the boxes in our apartment, or get rid of them
15. Open a photography studio in Centralia
16. Take two weekend vacations with Kris that are not trips to our parents houses
17. Pay off my car loan
18. Get Kris back to school
19. Get another pet so that Rex has a friend
20. Figure out a better client proofing method that is cost effective and is nicely presented
21. Get our curtains hung in our bedroom
22. Put together at least 10 new and improved client info packets
23. Shoot 3-4 family sessions for friends in Centralia, to build a new customer referral base
24. Convince my Grandma Thelma to let me photograph her
25. Blog three times a week for 2008
26. Make Kris' lunch every night before bedtime for one month
27. Attend a photography workshop
28. Get Dionne's website up and running
29. Grow an indoor herb garden
30. Create a way to prevent Rex from eating indoor herb garden
31. Take a vacation with Dionne and Mike
32. Go on a mission trip
33. Find a rockin' church home where both Kris and I feel welcome and included
34. Portrait session by Carrie Viohl
35. Get a 30x40 canvas print made from our wedding
36. Do Trash the Dress portraits with Dionne
37. Road trip: D, Mel and I
38. Buy a new lens for my camera (02.10.2008 Nikon 50mm 1.8)
39. Partner with at least two boutiques in Centralia/Olympia
40. Vacation in the dirty south!
41. Buy bigger monitor(s)
42. Buy Kris a plasma TV
43. Find and buy a better camera bag (looks hot like a shootsac, but meets my needs...)
44. Start saving for retirement
45. Sell 10 sets of greeting cards (Christmas cards, baby announcements, invitations, etc.)
46. Buy a small SUV
47. Hand out one business card a day for one month
48. Order my first KISS album
49. Cook dinner (including a vegetable that Kris will eat) three nights a week for 2008
50. Make our bed each morning for a week
51. Sell $500 in prints/other products to one client
52. Go to Montana (05.24.2008)
53. Commission Dionne to paint a huge painting for our living room wall
54. Create a streamlined organization for all of my business paperwork and all of our personal paperwork
55. Get an A in all of my Spring classes
56. Find an internship for the fall that will truly challenge my current ways of thinking, work ethic and beliefs
57. Attend one Christmas church service
58. Do a session for my Brother In Law and family, and my Sister in Law and family
59. Crochet three projects from start to finish without starting another in between
60. Create a system to keep track of all of these goals (01.01.2007)
61. Drink milk with dinner for one week
62. Book one portrait session a week for one month
63. Send out all of my Christmas cards on time one year
64. Give away all of our leftover wedding "stuff"
65. Use my Kitchen Aid mixer 25 times, photo document
66. Buy a cuisinart (thanks mom, birthday present, 01.26.2008)
67. Learn how to make amazing pesto in #66
68. Buy a rice cooker
69. Use the hot tub at our apartment complex
70. Use the elliptical machine once a week for one month
71. Attend Yoga every Wednesday that I am not working for two months
72. Learn how to make raspberry jam from my grandmother
73. Have coffee with two professors
74. Edit 5 more newspapers during Spring quarter
75. Photograph 30 Celebrating Adoption photo sessions
76. Go overseas with a family adopting a child to photograph their journey
77. Become a LoveCat on OSP (02.10.2008)
78. Figure out a streamlined way to read the 30 or so blogs I visit every day

79. Go one week without drinking Starbucks
80. Find an amazing local photographer to do a portrait session for my immediate family
81. Photograph my father's parents
82. Convince my parents to get a new computer
83. HSOAW in 2008
84. Ebay all of my old school books
85. Get an IPod Nano (thanks hubbs, birthday present, 01.26.2008)
86. Purge my closet of all the clothes I don't wear anymore
87. Buy some amazing red high heels
88. Find a tailor who I trust and who does a really good job, and get the 4 pair of unhemmed pants hanging in my closet hemmed
89. Read one business book for each 5 for-fun books I read
90. Design (01.05.2008) and print custom shipping address labels (01.06.2008)
91. Buy a Wishblade (02.08.2008)
92. Go to Europe (Italy, please!)
93. Create a budget system that we can use effectively
94. Get rid of all but 2 credit cards
95. Drink one gallon of water a day for one month
96. Subscribe to three magazines
97. Eat two servings of fruit or veggies a day for two weeks
98. See a Seahawks game in person
99. Photograph a maternity session, birth session and newborn session for the same mother/baby combo
100. Organize all of my scrapbook supplies
101. Make homemade bread at least 3 times


Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é http://www.provedorcrescenet.com . Um abraço.

Anonymous said...

This made me smile. I really liked the part of getting mom and dad to buy a new computer =)

<3 Ali